Sorry to bother again, I don't want be seen as someone who is chasing after others errors, I simply want to know who is right. While reading printed version of rinchen phreng ba, which is not from Karma Lekshay site, I found in the section "chos pa'i 'khrul pa bcu ni" before sentence "da res rten 'brel 'dzom pa'i thog la brtson 'grus mi rtsom par le lo snyom las la dga' bshin tu 'khrul" comes "rgyud la skyes pa'i nyams myong mi skyong bar tshe 'di'i che thabs skyong ba bshin tu 'khrul" which is lacking in Karma Lekshay version. So which version is right?
Stanislaw Graziowski
Mon 12/10/2007 8:07 PM